viernes, mayo 17, 2024
Federal Government

Government of México and people of Guerrero reestablish peace through dialogue / @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX >>>

#GobiernoDeMéxico.- At the head of the morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thanked the people of Guerrero for responding to the call for dialogue to build peace after the recent mobilizations in the municipality of Chilpancingo.

«I am very grateful to the people of Guerrero for their trust, to everyone (…) Fortunately, it was resolved by talking to the people and telling them not to let themselves be manipulated, that behind the supposed social demands, there is the interest of protecting organized crime gangs,» he said.

The President reiterated the importance for the Mexican Government of addressing the causes of violence.

Peace, he said, is the fruit of justice, which is why the Welfare Programs will continue in Guerrero.

«I have always been very respected in Guerrero, for years, and I can tell you that we are going to continue helping the people (…) because Guerrero -I was saying- is one of the states that receive more support and it is because they need it, it is one of the poorest states, with the greatest poverty», he remarked.

In dialogue with media representatives, he explained that criminal gangs build support networks in the towns based on instilling fear and manipulation to defend their interests; these practices worked in previous governments due to the abandonment of the population.

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