domingo, mayo 19, 2024

México and Chile launch Pro-Danza Project to promote the cultural participation of young people / @aliciabarcena @SRE_mx >>>

#SRE.- «Pro-Danza Mexico-Chile: awareness-raising and artistic-cultural participation» is the project to be promoted by the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid) and the Chilean Agency for International Development Cooperation (Agcid), with the support of the Mexico-Chile Joint Cooperation Fund.

The project is aimed primarily at young people -women and men- between 15 and 24 years of age, with the purpose of contributing to their awareness and artistic-cultural participation, taking advantage of the reach of the cultural dissemination channels of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and the experience of the most important Mexican ballet dancer of recent times: Elisa Carrillo.

The announcement was led by the executive director of Amexcid, Laura Elena Carrillo Cubillas; the prima ballerina of the Berlin State Ballet, Elisa Carrillo; the president of the Mexican Organization for Cultural Rights, Anel Nochebuena; the secretary general of the IPN, Carlos Ruiz Cárdenas; and the Chilean ambassador to Mexico, Beatriz Sánchez.

Pro-Danza will integrate live content, recorded by Elisa Carrillo, as well as videos, capsules and interviews for broadcast on national television and social networks, in order to attract the attention of young people to the ballet and encourage equal participation of the student community.

According to the project, the promotion and access to culture is a transforming practice that strengthens the change of social structures, conditions to generate inclusion, intercultural dialogue, participatory democracy and peace to counteract the social effect of the recent pandemic, which generated in children, adolescents and young people problems of stress, anxiety and even exposure to different degrees of violence.

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