lunes, mayo 6, 2024
Economy and Tourism

Sectur guarantees quality standards with more than 31,000 seals and distinctives for tourism service providers / @TorrucoTurismo @SECTUR_mx >>>

#SECTUR.- The head of the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) indicated that, through the General Directorate of Tourism Certification, compliance with the guidelines on hygiene, service quality, management models, among other areas, is endorsed through the awarding of 12 Distintives and Quality Seals.

He pointed out that, in that tenor, from 2019 to date, 17 thousand 633 Distintivos H have been issued, which is the recognition of good hygiene practices endorsed by the Ministry of Health, for service providers and fixed establishments engaged in the handling of food and beverages; also, two thousand 130 Distintivos M have been delivered, which is a management model aimed at tourism MSMEs, corresponding to the Moderniza Quality Standards; among which are the Moderniza Básico, Moderniza Especializado and Moderniza Ecoturístico.

With regard to the V2020 Clean Point Seal, a recognition that allows tourism companies to conduct their businesses in accordance with good hygiene practices and thus protect the health of their customers and workers, 11,199 seals have been issued during the current administration.

Likewise, in order to promote the excellence of hotels and restaurants, whose high standards of service, architectural and gastronomic characteristics reflect the richness of Mexican culture, 8 new Distinctive Treasures of Mexico have been issued.

On the other hand, 502 Distintivos S have been awarded, which is a recognition of good practices and sustainable development of tourism companies in Mexico, which seeks the use of diagnostics and measurement of energy, water and carbon waste in the industry.

Torruco Marqués explained that the agency also issues seals focused on specialized segments. In this sense, so far in the current administration there are 72 Seals Close to China, granted to companies that have developed and maintain efforts related to quality attention to travelers from that country; 82 Inclusive Tourism Seals for those tourism companies that have the facilities, signage and services to provide quality service to people with disabilities.

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