sábado, mayo 4, 2024
Distinguished news

Delivery of fertilizer to rainfed producers in Irapuato, Guanajuato is concluded / @LorenaAlfaroG @irapuatogob >>>

#Irapuato, #Gto.- During six deliveries, Municipal Government authorities, through the staff of the Rural Development Department, distributed 15,900 packages of fertilizer to more than 1,300 rainfed producers from different rural communities, as part of the Technological Package program.

The municipal president, Lorena Alfaro García, mentioned the importance of generating these programs, as this benefits the Irapuato countryside, its producers and families, who work every day so that food reaches the homes of all.

«All this has to do with a recognition to our rural people and that recognition has to be reflected in the budget, with actions, with results, with facts, not only with words, that is why we are here, because we want to continue working as a team, because we want to continue working with unity,» she shared.

J. Guadalupe Villanueva Laguna, a beneficiary from the community of Tamahula, thanked them for the free fertilizer for their land, because it is the right time to be able to replant and, with the hope that the rains continue, the corn or sorghum that has been planted will grow well.

«That encourages us to move forward, and we hope that the rain does not fail us, but the truth is that this time the fertilizer arrives on time, hopefully the rain also arrives on time,» she said.

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