domingo, mayo 5, 2024
Outstanding Mayor

The chapel is once again a meeting point for tourists and locals alike / @RaymundoMC @TolucaGob >>>

#Toluca, #Edoméx.- With the objective of maintaining the capital of Mexico City as a tourist, recreational and healthy recreation area, the Municipal President Raymundo Martinez Carbajal delivered the rehabilitation of the Exenta Chapel, a work in charge of the General Directorate of Urban Development, Land Planning and Public Works.

Raymundo Martínez pointed out that the Exenta Chapel is one of the most important architectural jewels of the municipality, which is why it deserved to be rehabilitated and, therefore, valued and appreciated for its history. He also invited the citizens to enjoy the Historic Center and the activities that take place on weekends, when the Chapel is incorporated as a venue.

With more than 300 years of existence, this emblematic building is a tourist attraction for visitors and locals, as it will serve as a magnificent stage for book presentations, plays, musical works, audiovisual presentations, temporary exhibitions, concerts, conferences and even civil weddings, actions that reinforce the Mayor’s commitment to rebuild the social fabric of the municipality.

It should be noted that the municipal government will continue to carry out the necessary work to maintain Toluca as one of the must-see places to visit in Mexico and thus continue to fill the municipality and its inhabitants with life.

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