domingo, mayo 19, 2024

Tecámac’s Civil Guard reinforces Operation «Motorcycle in Rule» / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Civil Guard of Tecámac reinforced the operation «Moto en Regla», in order to improve road safety and prevent various violations of the Traffic Regulations, as well as to detect those units that have a theft report or are related to the commission of crimes.

He informed that the penalties for incurring in any infraction range from 5 to 20 UMAS, and in some cases, referral to the vehicle deposit.

The most common offenses are for not wearing a helmet, both the driver and the passenger, for traveling with more people than authorized on the vehicle registration card, or for driving without a license or the respective permit.

In the case of driving without both license plates, the vehicle will be retained and the owner will have to pay a penalty of 20 UMAS.

The «Moto en Regla» operation has been in effect since April 14 and in the first month a little more than one thousand motorcycles were checked, especially in main roads in neighborhoods such as Villa del Real, Héroes Tecámac and Héroes San Pablo in Tecámac.

The municipal police corporation highlighted that this measure has had good results, since it has also reduced the number of crimes in the municipal territory involving alleged criminals aboard this type of vehicle, and at the same time recovered those with a theft report.

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