martes, mayo 7, 2024
Distinguished news

The rehabilitation of the bosques del lago traffic circle in Cuautitlán Izcalli will improve mobility / @KarlaFiesco @GobIzcalli >>>

#CuautitlánIzcalli, #Edoméx.- For road safety reasons, the Municipal Government of Cuautitlán Izcalli, presided by Karla Fiesco García, will begin the rehabilitation of the Bosques del Lago Roundabout on October 6.

The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate 4,548 square meters of vehicular road surface with hydraulic concrete in order to provide safe and accessible mobility for pedestrians and public transportation users.

The planning and execution of the work involves the participation of various areas of the Municipal Government and the traffic will be closed in different stages from October 6 to November 2.

The rehabilitation of the road surface will be carried out in four stages in order to reduce as much as possible the impact on vehicular traffic, since during the entire work, local traffic will continue to operate partially in three quarters of the area around the traffic circle.

The works also include the signaling of traffic lanes, speed limits, crosswalks, public transportation loading and unloading zones, and the recovery of residual space with tactical urban planning and street furniture.

With the intention of reducing as much as possible the effects on vehicular traffic in the area, the Public Works Department will execute the project in four stages with a work duration of seven days each:
-Stage 1: Between Cto. Bosques de Bolognia 2 and Bosques de Bolognia.
-Stage 2: Between Bosques de Viena and Bosques de Bolognia 2.
-Stage 3: Between Bosques de Viena and Av. Lago de Guadalupe.
-Stage 4: Between Lago de Guadalupe Avenue and Bosques de Bolognia.

In addition, the intervention at the Bosques del Lago Roundabout included the installation of 13 columns with translucent material representing the 13 towns of Cuautitlán Izcalli, the rehabilitation of green areas, a cobblestone walkway, a rotary wall lined with quarry stone, as well as the base and post for the flagpole.

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