viernes, mayo 17, 2024
Distinguished news

Trustee Andrés Sosa promotes a culture of social and condominium peace in Tultitlán / @22_24Tultitlan >>>

#Tultitlán, #Edoméx.- With the purpose of promoting a healthy coexistence and a culture of peace among the housing units of Tultitlán, the first trustee, Andrés Sosa Ménera, led the «First Meeting on Condominal Culture and Social Peace», which took place at the «Adolfo López Mateos» Library. Through various presentations, important information and guidance was provided on how to organize mediations for the resolution of problems, and in this way, achieve a conciliation of differences in order to live in harmony.

Likewise, Sosa Ménera emphasized the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship between neighbors, and to carry out dialogue strategies to solve problems. «Participation, respect, tolerance, solidarity, responsibility, are fundamental values that should govern the families of Tultitlán,» he said.

In her participation, the municipal president, Lcda. Elena García Martínez, informed that more than 30% of Tultitlán’s population resides in Zona Oriente, being this a greater reason to develop mechanisms to eradicate and prevent future conflicts in the area. «For any government, the participation and collaboration of the community is fundamental, the construction of a culture of peace begins at home,» said the mayoress.

Through a round of questions and answers, citizens had the opportunity to clarify doubts, express their ideas, concerns and suggestions, in which through an open dialogue, solutions and proposals were given to generate a culture of social and condominium peace.

With the presentation of awards, the first trustee expressed his gratitude to the representatives of the agencies for their participation in the presentations, as well as to the councilmen, public servants and citizens who attended this event. Finally, he extended an invitation to the entire population to make use of the information and tools that are available and beneficial to all Tultitlenses.

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