domingo, mayo 5, 2024
Federal Government

Governor Delfina Gómez instructs full support for rural women, legal certainty and attention to violence / @delfinagomeza @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- The Governor of the State of Mexico, Delfina Gómez Álvarez instructed the state ministries related to improving the welfare of rural women to detonate their development in a comprehensive manner and address the most pressing needs they face.

The State Governor pointed out that, as a government «there is a great transversality and everything has to be seen in all areas, if we see it divided we cannot achieve a general objective and that is why all the Secretariats are here because each one has a very important task.

That is why he instructed all the Secretariats to reinforce support for rural and rural women. «We have already delivered 4,000 titles in Ocoyoacac, I ask that we come to deliver others and benefit our women producers, because having a document, which is legal certainty of their property, they know that with that we already have peace of mind,» she said.

In Nextlalpan, where she headed the commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women, the state governor acknowledged the role of the Mexican women dedicated to agricultural work, since in addition to producing the food that reaches their homes, they are also educators of their children, artisans and an example of self-improvement.

«On this International Rural Women’s Day I am very happy to be here with you, hard-working women, heroines who know hard work and who have shown with effort and love how much we women can contribute to the development of our country. Undoubtedly it is a day to celebrate, but I feel that more to commemorate and to reflect, to say at what moment and in what situation are our rural women and what challenges we still have to meet», she emphasized.

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