sábado, julio 27, 2024
States in México

The transformation of Veracruz reaches Pánuco to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants / @CuitlahuacGJ @GobiernoVer >>>

#EstadoDeVeracruz.- After suffering for more than 20 years due to sewage discharges caused by the lack of maintenance of the Western Sanitary Sewer in Pánuco, the Government of the Fourth Transformation has begun its rehabilitation, as well as that of the pumping station, with the aim of preventing health problems in the population.

Governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez supervised the work that the Veracruz State Water Commission began in August with an investment of approximately 53 million pesos for the benefit of 22,600 citizens residing in the La Palma, Unidad Nacional, Unidad Modelo, Las Brisas and Loma Linda neighborhoods.

Accompanied by Mayor Oscar Guzmán de Paz and local deputy Luis Fernando Cervantes Cruz, he also inspected the construction of hydraulic pavement on Ejidatarios, José María Pino Suárez, Venustiano Carranza, Ocho, Sexta, Séptima and Octava streets, by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works, benefiting 10,737 inhabitants of the Moralillo community.

Continuing with his work tour, he went to see the progress of the expansion and modernization of the Ozuluama-Tampico highway from kilometer 170+500 to 185+900; the federal work improves the interconnection of the Mexico 70 and 180 highways, as well as the ports of Tampico and Altamira, but directly benefits 331,879 inhabitants of Ozuluama, Tampico Alto and Tampico.

These actions are evidence of a government that demonstrates its commitment to the citizens in all regions, redirecting public resources and investments to boost the economic development of previously ignored municipalities in contrast to previous administrations, where support was limited mainly to Poza Rica and Tuxpan.

As part of his agenda, he also gave a lecture on Mathematics and Control, while closing the International Multidisciplinary Congress 2023 (CMI) organized by the Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Pánuco, the universities of Nebraska Kearney (United States), La Guajira (Colombia) and Nacional de Ingeniería (Nicaragua). Together with the director of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Pánuco, Jeanett Martínez Etienne, he recognized the students who won the poster contest for the Congress.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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