sábado, mayo 4, 2024
Distinguished news

Surveillance actions prepared during visit to cemeteries in Irapuato, Guanajuato / @LorenaAlfaroG @irapuatogob >>>

#Irapuato, #Gto.- In order to maintain safe spaces and roads during the celebration of the faithful departed, the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSCI), through Civil Protection, Firefighters, Transit and Municipal Police, in coordination with municipal agencies, will carry out presence and surveillance devices in public and private cemeteries.

This year, an approximate capacity of 70 thousand people is expected in the various cemeteries of the municipality, so the operation in the places will begin days prior to the date, while on November 1 and 2 will be established from eight in the morning and will conclude at the closing of the cemeteries.

Israel Martinez Negrete, coordinator of Civil Protection and Firefighters, mentioned that, in order to support the population and provide timely attention to possible emergencies, a Command Center will be placed inside the Municipal Cemetery, as this is one of the cemeteries with the largest capacity.

«A Command Center will be placed inside the cemetery, where there is an element of each area, we are talking about Civil Protection, one element, Firefighters, Transit, Police, Red Cross, Markets and Fiscalization. In this Command Center are distributed the cells that will be doing tours inside the cemetery», he defined.

Elements and paramedics from Civil Protection, Fire Department and Red Cross will go around inside the cemeteries to inform the citizens about risk prevention and the attention of possible emergencies.

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