domingo, mayo 5, 2024
Federal Government

President López Obrador celebrates that the Judiciary agreed to allocate resources to the affected population of Guerrero / @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX >>>

#GobiernoDeMéxico.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated that the Judicial Power accepted the proposal he made yesterday to allocate 15 billion pesos corresponding to the extinct trusts to the affected population of Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítez.
The reserves of the Judicial Power, which previously financed the privileges of high-ranking officials, will now cover the needs of the people of Guerrero generated by Hurricane Otis.

«Very good your response. Of course we have differences, but above our differences, the general interest, the interest of the people must always prevail; I welcome what they decided, that the 15 billion pesos from the trust fund of the Judiciary will be used to support the victims of Acapulco. I see it very well,» he stressed.

In a morning conference, the president highlighted the prompt response of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation’s Supreme Court President, Norma Piña Hernández, regarding the delivery of resources.

«Regardless of what will result or what is incidental, the important thing is that yesterday I made a proposal and yesterday -for me, in a responsible manner- there was a response from the President of the Court. That is where I stand and I welcome it for the good of all,» he said.

«The important decision is that, in writing, the President of the Supreme Court commits to deliver the 15 billion pesos to the victims,» he added.

Even if the Judicial Power did not cede the resources, the Mexican Government has enough budget. Today, the Secretary of Finance and Public Credit, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, stated that the budget of the General Plan for reconstruction and support to the affected population amounts to 61,313 million pesos, which can be increased in order to meet all the needs of Acapulco, Coyuca de Benítez and surrounding rural communities.

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