sábado, julio 27, 2024

In Celaya, Guanajuato, more than 300 senior citizens enjoy the ‘Contentura’ conference / @jmendozamarquez @municipiocelaya >>>

#Celaya, #Gto.- Among dynamics, jokes and many smiles, more than 300 seniors from Celaya and the region enjoyed the Conference ‘Contentura’ with Andrés Aguilar, during the morning of Tuesday, November 7th at the Teatro del Parque Fundadores 450.

The above, as part of the permanent work between the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF) of Celaya, through the Coordination of the Elderly and the OXXO chain store.

Mrs. Rosita Suárez de Mendoza, president of the DIF Board of Trustees, led the ceremony and during her welcome message, thanked OXXO for all the support given by Cadena Comercial OXXO to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

Andres Aguilar is an expert lecturer in humanistic topics with 25 years of experience, professional clown by Ringling Bros. Clown University, founder of Risaterapia A. C., and with trajectory in the 5 continents.

His lecture focused on 5 points that he defines as a strategy for the personal soul project that allows to enjoy life to the fullest, being: inner work, empathic service, free creation, innocent play, free creation and contact with nature.

«We all have to take charge of our state of mind, enjoying life is our responsibility and it is the least we can do for the gift that the universe gave us», he commented in an interview.

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