jueves, mayo 2, 2024
Federal Government

Governor Delfina Gómez kicked off the «Buen Fin» 2023 / @delfinagomeza @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- Governor Delfina Gómez Álvarez kicked off the 2023 edition of the «Buen Fin» in the State of Mexico, where she invited the people of the State of Mexico to make their purchases in a responsible manner, and emphasized that this activity will detonate the economic development of the state and strengthen the local economy.

«Detonating the economic development of the state is fundamental for our administration. We remain at your service, see in us those servants who will facilitate and help you achieve your goals,» he said in the presence of members of Chambers and Business Associations.

At the ribbon cutting ceremony for the 13th edition of the «Buen Fin» at the Cosmopol Shopping Center in Coacalco, Mrs. Delfina Gómez pointed out that those who purchase products during the Buen Fin will contribute to the development of the business sector, which is the engine of the economy.

Also, she said, the local economy is boosted, mainly merchants, producers and workers from Mexico who offer quality goods and services.

«By supporting the Buen Fin, we support thousands of businesses that are part of the state’s economic fabric. Behind every small business, every small store or store, there are dreams, efforts and a commitment to quality,» she said.

The Governor pointed out that activities such as the «Buen Fin» (Good End) stimulate the state’s economy, which generates sources of employment, so she invited the population to visit shopping malls and tianguis, to consume responsibly this weekend.

In this sense, he pointed out that through El Poder de Servir, the commitment of collaboration between the state administration and the business sector is reinforced, which will be listened to in order to provide them with the necessary tools for their development and reinforce the importance of their role in society.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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