sábado, julio 27, 2024
Outstanding Governor

In Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama reinforces security in Solidaridad with delivery of new patrol cars / @MaraLezama @GobQuintanaRoo >>>

#QuintanaRoo.- Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa delivered patrols to the municipality of Solidaridad, thus strengthening the State Government’s commitment and reinforcing security and social peace for the citizens, investing the people’s money where it is most needed.

«Our strategy to achieve peace is also based on rebuilding the social fabric, on creating virtuous circles through the promotion of art, culture and sports in public spaces,» said Mara Lezama, who was accompanied by the municipal president, Lili Campos Miranda and the Secretary of Citizen Security, Julio César Gómez Torres.

Governor Mara Lezama said that this is what the New Agreement for the Wellbeing and Development of Quintana Roo is all about, taking care of the people, in the neighborhoods, parks, streets, with clear strategies, intelligence and without improvisations to guarantee security and peace to the people of Solidaridad and the thousands of tourists who visit Solidaridad.

«Today we provide 20 patrols, with the objective of reinforcing security because that is what the New Agreement for Wellbeing and Development is all about, working together and investing the people’s money where it is most needed, because when corruption is fought, money is enough for more,» she said.

The first female governor of Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama pointed out that: «We will continue modernizing and equipping our security forces throughout the state, because through security, we also achieve that our tourist centers continue to be the leaders in Mexico and Latin America».

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