sábado, julio 27, 2024
Distinguished news

General Directorate of Citizen Security of Nezahualcoyotl holds second victimization forum / @Adolfo_Cerqueda @GobNeza >>>

#Nezahualcóyotl, #Edoméx.- With the objective of making the population aware of the importance of Human Rights in the protection and attention to people who have suffered an aggression or attack against them, the General Direction of Citizen Security of Nezahualcóyotl held the Second Victimization Forum, in the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is commemorated annually on November 25, informed Rubén González Molina, Director of Crime Prevention and Citizen Participation.

The official explained that the main purpose of the Victimization Forum is to make known the rights that all women have when they are victims of violence, from the first moment they are attended by the elements, to the opening of an investigation file in the different prosecutors’ offices, as well as during the whole due process.

The second Victimization Forum was attended by the speakers: Susana Vanessa Otero, coordinator for the Articulation of Actions for the Eradication of Feminicidal Violence; Nancy América Gómez, director of Substantive Equality of the Mayor’s Office Benito Juárez of Mexico City; Imelda Ángeles García, psychologist and criminologist, as well as high school and higher education students, who raised their questions about their rights and how to identify the different types of violence.

She explained that it is very important to train all the elements of the Municipal Police, as well as those of all the security corporations in the country, so that they carry out their actions with a gender perspective, prioritizing the safety and well-being of the victim, avoiding discrimination and revictimization at all costs.

She recalled that the event was held within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and therefore recognized the struggle of women who have historically demanded the creation and implementation of public policies for the prevention, attention, punishment and eradication of gender violence.

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