sábado, mayo 11, 2024
Distinguished news

For love of Izcalli, mayoress Karla Fiesco renders second governmental report / @KarlaFiesco @GobIzcalli >>>

#CuautitlánIzcalli, #Edoméx.- Reaffirming her commitment to improve every corner of Cuautitlán Izcalli, Municipal President Karla Fiesco García presented her Second Government Report to municipal, state and federal authorities and neighbors of Izcalli at the municipal esplanade.

Mayoress Fiesco García, thanked the neighbors of Izcalli, «this year we reaffirm that we are power, that the road is long but we are not in a hurry, we are stepping on each space to improve it, we are building realities and results for the love of Izcalli. You and I have a coincidence, we do not know defeat, we do not give up, we do not give up our goals. Unity has been the best tool to move towards a better course».

She highlighted the achievements made during these two years of administration and emphasized the promise of a future that is fulfilled in the present, as well as the results that come from determination and heart. In his message, he highlighted the active participation of the more than 555 thousand inhabitants of Izcalli, all with the common goal of living better.

With a historic budget of 984 million pesos, 17,900 new and 16,700 repaired street lights were installed, as well as 115,000 potholes repaired, and 43 parks were rescued by placing play modules. On the other hand, 28 wells were rehabilitated, ensuring that drinking water reaches homes, 613 thousand linear meters of drainage were cleaned and more than 10 thousand water leaks were repaired.

The priority of this Municipal Government is security, that is why the proximity police was created; more than 15 million pesos were invested in police equipment. «Compared to 2022 this year we have reduced crime incidences in high impact crimes by 23%, and we have managed to reduce the perception of insecurity by 13%, your trust is the proof that we are on the right track. The challenge is still great, but so is our will,» said Karla Fiesco.

The president emphasized the commitment to protect the women of Izcalli, therefore the Violet Operation was implemented, delivering more than 15 thousand bracelets with emergency numbers, 488 «Mujer Segura» operations and enabling 200 violet points in different establishments, also 2 «Mujer Segura» illuminated paths were created with 691 lights covering 38 public spaces. Seven thousand entrepreneurship workshops were provided and resources were allocated for the mitigation of alerts for more than 12 million pesos, strengthening the search cell for missing persons. After two years of effort and alliances, the DIF, OPERAGUA, INMUDECI and MAVICI are once again pillars of the municipal administration, covering debts that had kept them in financial difficulties.

She emphasized that the second home of our children was strengthened through the construction of 38 arched roofs in schools, and the maintenance of the infrastructure in 80 educational centers with the application of paint and waterproofing.

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