lunes, abril 29, 2024

Romina Contreras’ government approves calls for different programs in Huixquilucan / @RominaCDV @HuixquiGob >>>

#Huixquilucan, #Edoméx.- With the objective of continuing to support the most vulnerable families, Romina Contreras, in the company of Huixquilucan authorities, approved the calls for the Tarjeta Joven, Becas 2024 «Avanzando en la Educación» (Advancing Education), Monedero Electrónico «Huixquilucan Contigo» (Huixquilucan with You), Apoyo Alimentario «Sigamos Avanzando por Huixquilucan» (Let’s Keep Advancing for Huixquilucan) and Acción por la Educación 2024 programs, which will benefit more than 35 thousand Huixquiluquenses.

«I appreciate the support of my fellow members of the Cabildo to authorize these programs that allow us to provide support to the people of Huixquiluquenses, and this is possible because we have healthy finances, without contracting loans, and that there is a good management of public resources in this administration,» she said.

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