jueves, mayo 2, 2024
Federal Government

CEDIPIEM participates in the First Global Indigenous Peoples Congress / @delfinagomeza @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- As part of the actions promoted by the Government headed by Mrs. Delfina Gómez Álvarez to reduce inequality gaps and promote sustainable development, authorities of the State Council for the Integral Development of Indigenous Peoples of the State of Mexico (CEDIPIEM) attended the First Global Congress of Indigenous Peoples in Tultepec.

Through the Welfare Secretariat headed by Juan Carlos González Romero, actions are carried out focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable groups, including this population nucleus, since there are currently five native peoples in the state territory: Matlatzinca, Tlahuica, Mazahua, Otomi and Nahua.

The Congress, organized by the Consejo Nacional Mexicano de Pueblos Originarios y Comunidades Indígenas, aimed to deepen the analysis and understanding of the rights of this sector, around the axes of intercultural law, political-electoral, human, economic and migration rights.

In addition to CEDIPIEM, representatives and leaders of native communities from different parts of the world participated, who made proposals and demands aimed at a fairer society where there is absolute respect for the world’s ethnic life.

Juan Alfredo Bello Chávez, Executive Vocal of CEDIPIEM, reaffirmed the State Government’s commitment to this population group to optimize access to their rights and the freedom to promote their worldview and respect for their customs and traditions.

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