martes, abril 30, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste implements pharmacovigilance system in HR Zaragoza for infants with epilepsy / @drpedrozenteno @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- The Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste) is implementing a pharmacovigilance system at the Hospital Regional (HR) «Gral. Ignacio Zaragoza» for the most commonly used anti-epileptic drugs in the neuropediatrics outpatient clinic.

In the framework of the International Epilepsy Day, which is commemorated on the second Monday of February, the deputy medical director of the hospital, Juan de Dios Victoria Zúñiga, indicated that the purpose is to provide safer and more effective treatments for the better control of epileptic seizures in infants and adolescents, which reduces the risk of toxicity and undesirable side effects.

Gabriela Arenas Ornelas, a pediatric neurologist at this tertiary level medical unit and in charge of the system, emphasized: «Our main motivation as a healthcare team was to implement a method that improves the quality of life of children with epilepsy; to achieve greater adherence to treatment and reduce hospitalizations due to the risk of seizures. Additionally, to improve pharmacoeconomics (less expenses and adverse side effects); hence the relevance of continuing to monitor the use of these medicines in our affiliates.

With the chronic use of antiepileptic drugs, there may be undesirable consequences, such as excessive drowsiness or difficulty sleeping; some patients may experience vomiting, excessive hunger, hair loss, among others, the specialist pointed out.

In this protocol we seek to achieve safety goals in patients who take the two most commonly used antiepileptic drugs in neuropediatric outpatient clinics, which are magnesium valproate and levetiracetam, she added.

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