sábado, julio 27, 2024
Outstanding Mayor

Positive transformation of the historic center of Toluca / @TolucaGob >>>

#Toluca, #Edoméx.- In an open dialogue with representatives of the commercial and business sector, Mayor Juan Maccise highlighted the tireless dedication of the people of Toluca to the preservation of the city’s cultural and gastronomic heritage for present and future generations.

The Mayor thanked the support and joint work that has allowed to obtain significant results, especially in the task of Reconciling the development and welfare of the Historic Center.

He highlighted the progress in public safety with the commitment of Toluca’s police officers. He emphasized that the work of the police guarantees the protection of property, generates trust and promotes an environment conducive to development.

In appreciation for their work, Maccise presented awards to the police officers who were arrested for robbery with violence in the Historic Center. He also pointed out that actions have been redoubled against crimes such as business robbery, car theft, extortion and «motor muggings», and announced that this incentive would be monthly for those elements that stand out in their work as citizens.

Regarding sustainable mobility, the Mayor stressed the urgency of environmentally friendly measures and the guarantee of safety for those who visit Toluca, so he will promote actions to make the city accessible and non-discriminatory.

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