jueves, mayo 2, 2024
Federal Government

The Secretary of Education recognizes the struggle of women to win their rights, such as access to education / @delfinagomeza @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- The Secretary of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Mexico (SECTI) joins the commemoration of International Women’s Day, recognizing their struggle to conquer their fundamental rights, including access to education.

The SECTI emphasizes that women are key to achieving the objectives of strengthening values and advancing towards a humanistic society, with a vision of solidarity and common good.

Currently, Mexico’s education system is made up of 252,114 registered teachers at all educational levels, of which 164,262 are women, representing 65.14 percent.

Educational enrollment in the State of Mexico for the 2022-2023 school year totaled 4,466,110 students at all levels, with 2,260,180 registered female students, or 50.58 percent.

These figures reflect the progress towards the inclusion of women in the educational sphere, which is why it is essential to continue eliminating gender inequalities in all areas of society.

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