sábado, julio 27, 2024
Outstanding Governor

Jalisco Highway Police reinforces operations during the holiday season / @GobiernoJalisco >>>

#EstadoDeJalisco.- The Secretary of State Security (SSE), through the Highway Police Department, will reinforce its vigilance during the Holy Week and Easter holiday season to speed up vehicular traffic in and out of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area and in medium-sized cities in the state.

The corporation will maintain and reinforce the «Saving Lives» operation to prevent accidents and avoid the combination of alcohol and driving. The breathalyzer modules will work from Monday to Sunday.

On the other hand, the Road Police Department reminded that as of last Friday, eight information and assistance modules for vacationers were installed in the main tourist points of the state.

In addition, the work of the 5 Ocelotes modules will continue, whose objective is to speed up the flow of vehicles along López Mateos Avenue up to San Agustín, where traffic officers attend to traffic crashes, breakdowns and accidents.
This service is maintained from Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.

On the other hand, the SSE, through the Road Commissariat, will have officers on foot, motorcycles and patrols to coordinate the closing of roads in the main religious events organized in all the municipalities of the State.

This surveillance and accompaniment includes, among others, the protection of the faithful participating in the traditional Pilgrim’s Route to Talpa de Allende, Jalisco.

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