martes, abril 30, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste promotes early diagnosis and treatment of beneficiaries with autism / @BerthaAlcalde @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- The Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste), through its Medical Directorate, promotes actions for the detection, diagnosis and early therapeutic management of symptoms in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in order to receive multidisciplinary care from various services in general and regional hospitals.

In the framework of World Autism Awareness Day, which is commemorated on April 2, the institute calls on the population to become aware of this condition and to eradicate stigmas towards those who live with this condition.
In Issste medical units there are specialists in pediatrics, child psychiatry, psychology and neurology for the different types of symptoms, as well as various interventions for their management.

ASD is considered a group of conditions related to brain development, i.e. neurodevelopment. They are characterized by some degree of difficulty in social interaction and communication; some others are atypical patterns of behavioral activity, for example, to move from one activity to another or great attention to detail and unusual reactions to sensations.
This disorder has no cure, but it is possible to provide various treatments focused on the control of signs prevailing in each patient through gradual changes, flexibilization of thought processes and behavior to promote social adaptation.

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