sábado, julio 27, 2024
Distinguished news

Morena Leads Preferences in the State of Mexico with more than 50 Percent: Mariela Gutiérrez / @MarielaGtzEsc >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- After a little more than a month of campaigning, the Morena, PVEM and PT standard bearer for the Senate, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, affirmed that her candidacy has become an option for the women of Mexico, while pointing out that, according to the latest polls, Morena leads the preferences in the state with more than 50 percent.

She said that she aspires to reach the Upper House because her results as mayor of Tecámac precede her and she defined herself as a woman committed to causes, mainly women’s causes, «who has shown that it is possible, and that under the principles of our movement of not lying, not stealing and not betraying, we are very efficient as public servants and they recognize it».

In a national radio interview, he emphasized that in the little more than five years he has been in charge of the municipal government, he has achieved great things, a deep transformation, together society and government, because he considered that in politics the achievements are not of one person, but of all».

«The results and with the support of the people of Tecamaquenses we managed to place ourselves among the five best municipal presidents nationally and the best in the State of Mexico for almost two years,» she added.

The candidate of the coalition «Let’s Continue Making History» said that if she becomes a senator she will do the same to achieve good results, as well as to support each of the proposals of collective benefit for Mexicans.

This is, he emphasized, our aspiration, to continue doing our bit, and we Mexicans have a very high responsibility, which is to go out and participate in this next battle that we are going to have on June 2nd to consolidate the transformation of our country.

She called in a radio interview to build together, hand in hand with our next President of the Republic, which will be historic, as she will be the first woman, Claudia Sheinbaum, who has already demonstrated her ability to govern Mexico City, to generate better living conditions for all.
After the first stage of her campaign, she said that she sees many people with that look of hope, so that this transformation so longed for by Mexicans is consolidated; she mentioned that last year they went out convinced to participate and finally overcome a chieftainship of more than 90 years in the State of Mexico.

In view of the violence against candidates for elected office, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante condemned violence in all its forms and regretted what is being experienced, but said that fortunately her campaign has gone smoothly in her tours through all the regions of the state, and in her visits to 35 municipalities.

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