sábado, mayo 4, 2024
Health and Safety

More than 14,000 general practitioners and specialists respond to IMSS-Bienestar’s call for proposals / @zoerobledo @Tu_IMSS >>>

#IMSS.- The federal government, through the IMSS-Bienestar health services, is moving forward with the call for applications to hire health personnel at the IMSS-Bienestar medical and hospital units; 12,968 general practitioners and 2,706 specialists have registered who are interested in providing services and covering all shifts seven days a week.

During the press conference headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the General Director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, pointed out that this call, which ends at midnight on Tuesday, April 23rd, seeks to hire 6,187 general practitioners and 4,10 specialists.

He reminded that the call, published on April 9, can be consulted through the web page profesionalesdelasalud.imssbienestar.gob.mx.

He added that, in the case of specialist doctors who will work in 282 community, basic and integral hospitals located in areas of high or very high marginalization, known as those with difficult coverage, a bonus of 10 thousand pesos was designed to bring their salary to 50 thousand pesos.

He reported the progress of the coverage of this call state by state: in the 225 clinics of Nayarit that need general practitioners, there are already 238 registered. In the case of specialists for the nine hospitals in marginalized areas, 82 out of a total of 130 positions have been registered.

He detailed that in Tlaxcala, for the 79 vacancies, 757 general practitioners have been registered, and for the specialist doctors destined to four hospitals in marginalized areas, 94 out of 39 vacancies have been registered. In the case of Colima, there are 156 vacancies for general practitioners and 230 have been registered.

He stated that in Baja California Sur, 172 general practitioners have registered for 33 vacancies, and specialists have registered 14 out of 12 vacancies offered. For Sinaloa, out of 256 vacancies, 564 general practitioners are interested. In coverage of specialist doctors for 12 hospitals, 74 out of 133 vacancies have been registered.

He mentioned that in Sonora there are 141 vacancies for general practitioners and 210 are interested; in specialist doctors, for five hospitals in remote areas, 53 out of 70 vacancies have been registered. He added that in Guerrero there are 940 vacancies for general practitioners and 1,214 are registered; for specialist doctors required in 25 hospitals in remote and marginalized areas, 108 out of 581 vacancies have been registered.

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