domingo, mayo 19, 2024
Distinguished news

Mariela listens to the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry; pledges to take proposals to the Senate / @MarielaGtzEsc >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- Mariela Gutiérrez, candidate to the Senate of the Republic for the Coalition “Let’s Continue Making History”, met with members of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC), who formulated several proposals that she promised to address from the Upper House.

In the meeting, the standard-bearer highlighted the need to promote this sector so that it becomes a lever for national development, and therefore she approved the axes proposed.

“Together we must build development opportunities, with better companies, train the professionals of the future and achieve a better society,” she told the builders at the meeting, which was headed by the president of the CMIC State of Mexico Steering Committee, Arnulfo Martínez.

On behalf of the Chamber, Martinez Sanchez asked the candidate that if she becomes a Senate candidate, she should promote laws that generate greater investment in maintenance and creation of infrastructure in the state, providing greater fiscal resources, adding private investment through the public-private investment schemes that already exist.

She also proposed that through initiatives it would be possible to strengthen the local economy, and that from the good will of the governments, Mexican businessmen would be hired for acquisitions and services, as well as public works.

The issue of insecurity in the country was another of the demands that they asked to be addressed in terms of the Senate’s powers.

Gutiérrez Escalante told them: “I have come to join in collaborating to build what is needed, especially in the areas of water, mobility, urbanity and environment throughout the state”.

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