viernes, julio 5, 2024

Teacher Centers are consolidated as spaces for dialogue and continuous training in the State of Mexico / @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- With the purpose of generating a space for dialogue, exchange of ideas and training for the teachers of the State of Mexico, the Government of the State of Mexico through the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTI) promotes continuous training in the State Teacher Centers.

There are 26 Teacher Centers located in the different regions of the entity, where the training offer is designed, managed, developed and evaluated for Basic Education teachers of the State Educational Subsystem.

During the first quarter of the year, 6,809 teachers have been trained, using different tools to stimulate critical thinking in students.

As established by the New Mexican School Model (NEM), continuous training strengthens community education, since the updating of their knowledge, skills and pedagogical methodologies allows the teaching-learning process to be of quality, inclusive and innovative.

The objective is to generate a network of teachers who, based on collaboration and communication, share experiences, best practices, resources and knowledge in the different educational fields so that knowledge can be collectively built for the benefit of the entire educational community.

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