lunes, julio 8, 2024

The DIF of Tecámac grants financial support for the transfer of children to the CRIT / @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- President Rocio Miguel Hernandez, accompanied by the Secretary of the City Council, Carlos Galindo, delivered financial support to the families of children who have to travel to the Teleton Children’s Rehabilitation and Inclusion Centers (CRIT).

This program is provided by the municipal authorities to help the families of children who have to go to receive their therapies at the CRITs located in Tlalnepantla, Nezahualcóyotl and Hidalgo.

At the facilities of the “Mandarinas” Medical Unit of the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF), the Mayor delivered the support to the parents of the children, and expressed that her administration will strengthen the programs that support the most vulnerable sectors.

The non-profit organization serves 35 children from Tecámac, who receive specialized care for their treatment.

The DIF system of Tecámac recommends people who need this type of support, to request information through their social networks where they will be guided on how they can obtain this benefit.

The Teleton Foundation serves people who suffer from some type of motor disability, cancer and autism; it offers comprehensive care and inclusion into society.

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