viernes, julio 5, 2024
Distinguished news

Mariela Gutiérrez Receives the Senate Majority Vote; Reiterates Her Commitment to Work for the State of Mexico / @MarielaGtzEsc >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante received the certificate of majority as Senator of the Republic of the State of Mexico, for the coalition “Sigamos Haciendo Historia” (Let’s Keep Making History) together with her running mate Higinio Martínez Miranda.

In the facilities of the Local Board of the National Electoral Institute (INE) in this entity, the former municipal president of Tecámac thanked the trust of the electorate that gave them almost five million votes last June 2.

Gutierrez Escalante pledged to continue working for the State of Mexico, with commitment and conviction.

She assured that the transformation process belongs to all Mexicans.

She emphasized that this resounding victory is a reflection of the confidence of the people of the state in the great movement of transformation that the country is going through, who also trusted in Claudia Sheinbaum’s project.

The senator-elect, thanked the work of the electoral authorities of the INE in the State of Mexico, who granted certainty during the election day.

The Coalition of Morena, PT and PVEM obtained four million 746 thousand 823 votes; the Front of PRI, PAN and PRD obtained two million 603 thousand 731 votes.

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