viernes, julio 5, 2024
Outstanding Governor

Through the credit program, support will be granted to affected companies in Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítez / @EvelynSalgadoP @Gob_Guerrero >>>

#EstadoDeGuerrero.- Following up on the progress of the interest-free credit program for companies affected by hurricane OTIS, the Secretary of Economic Development and Promotion, Teodora Ramírez Vega, met with representatives of chambers and business associations of Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítez.

During this meeting, the state official informed them that, according to the agreement with Nacional Financiera (NAFIN), to date the Secretariat has issued 220 validation cards for affected companies, which are already in the process of analysis by the participating banks, AFIRME, BBVA SANTANDER, CITIBANAMEX, BANORTE and MIFEL.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the companies that are requesting financing are: Restaurants and hotels, retail trade, construction, among others, which together generate 4 thousand 445 jobs.

In his message, Ramirez Vega said that, thanks to the support of the federal government, through Nacional Financiera (NAFIN) and in coordination with the government headed by Evelyn Salgado Pineda, the business sector will be supported with loans at zero interest rates, which will allow the economic recovery of the municipalities of Acapulco de Juarez and Coyuca de Benitez.

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