viernes, julio 5, 2024
States in México

Government of the State of Mexico is committed to the monitoring and evaluation of public policies: CIEPS / @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- The Government headed by Mrs. Delfina Gómez Álvarez, through the Council for Research and Evaluation of Social Policy (CIEPS) participated in the Evaluation Week with two virtual activities that had a capacity of more than 300 public servants, belonging to different agencies and organizations.

CIEPS, an auxiliary agency of the Welfare Secretariat directed by Juan Carlos González Romero, took part in this event, which is held annually worldwide and is organized by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), whose objective is to share experiences that make it possible to value the power of evidence to improve people’s lives.

This year’s theme focused on «Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism», emphasizing the opportunities and challenges of evaluation exercises to influence policies and societies in complex contexts.

On June 5, a conference was organized in coordination with the National Academy of Evaluators of Mexico (Aceval), entitled «Perspectives and proposals on innovations in the Performance Evaluation System (SED) at the subnational level in Mexico».

The importance of incorporating cross-cutting approaches in public policy evaluations was highlighted, as well as innovating through the combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques to capture relevant elements that reinforce or mitigate inequalities and limit access to human rights.

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