viernes, julio 5, 2024
Distinguished news

They take «Friendly Table» day to the stairways of the ejidos of Santa María Chimalhuacán / @GobChimal_ >>>

#Chimalhuacán, #Edoméx.- With the «Friendly Table» Day, the Government of Chimalhuacán brought different services to the community of the Escalerillas neighborhood and, in particular, to students of the «Mexico Prehispanic» high school, in order to bring health care attention to the population.

The «Friendly Table» day was coordinated by the Municipal Welfare and Health Departments at the «Mexico Prehispanic» High School, where a Deworming Day was held for the benefit of both students and members of the Escalerillas community, with the intention of reducing the risk of anemia, preventing stunted growth and helping to reduce serious health complications due to parasites.

The students of this school and children from the neighborhood also received vitamins to strengthen their development, which were donated by the «Include Me» Foundation.

As a gesture of solidarity, clothes and food were donated to families living in vulnerable situations, thus contributing to family and social welfare.

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