viernes, julio 5, 2024
Federal Government

Federal government to defend national assets in litigation with Chinese company / @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX >>>

#GobiernoDeMéxico.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reaffirmed that lithium in Mexican territory is property of the nation, so the federal government will prioritize this principle in the litigation with a company of Chinese origin for concessions given to it before 2019 to exploit mines in Sonora.
«Litigation is being carried out because we consider that lithium belongs to the nation. Before they had delivered that concession and we consider that it was delivered in a generic way, not specifically for lithium, but for mining and we think that it does not apply that this claim is being made,» he explained in a morning press conference.

In this respect, the President pointed out that the federal government will go to international panels to defend its rights on this matter.

He explained that the participation of private companies is viable as long as there is «some association, but with the predominance of the national interest in the case of lithium».

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