In the 2024-2025 School Cycle, 160 million Free Textbooks will be distributed: Leticia Ramirez / @Letamaya @SEP_mx >>>
#SEP.- The Secretary of Public Education (SEP), Leticia Ramírez Amaya, informed that for the 2024-2025 School Cycle, 160 million Free Textbooks (LTG) will be distributed for Basic Education students throughout the country.
When making a balance of the results of the educational transformation of this government, in the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the head of the SEP recalled that teachers, innovators, specialists, normalists, creators and, for the first time, the fundamental opinion of what teachers live and do daily in schools was taken into account in the integration of the LTGs.
He pointed out that six years ago, a profound transformation of education began, fundamentally based on strengthening public schools and revaluing the performance of teachers.
Thus, in terms of revaluing and dignifying the teaching profession, more than 960,000 teachers have been given a permanent position, which is truly significant, because it is a matter of giving them labor certainty and justice, he assured.
Regarding salary increases for teachers, he said that these meant an effort by the Mexican government, since more than 191 billion additional pesos were invested in the budget so far this administration.
Another advance, he said, is the application of the new 2022 Study Plan in Basic Education schools throughout the country, which is focused on promoting scientific, humanistic, inclusive, multicultural, gender-equal and critical thinking education; it also promotes the school as a transforming space, to recover its role as part of the community.
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