viernes, julio 5, 2024
Health and Safety

ISSSTE, committed to promoting security and welfare actions for LGBTTTIQ+ population / @BerthaAlcalde @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- The Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) is an ally of all the sex-gender struggles of the LGBTTTIQ+ community, which is why we are committed to continuing to ensure their safety and well-being, creating environments of zero discrimination, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression, said the general director, Bertha Alcalde Luján.

During the inauguration of the pictorial exhibition «Lienzos desatados», in the Buenavista gallery of the agency’s headquarters, the head of the institute stressed the importance of continuing to promote public policies that benefit every person in the LGBTTTIQ+ community, who are and will continue to be a fundamental part of the transformation of the nation.

«This historic process we are building cannot happen without sexual diversity and the recognition of all the ways in which one can love. There is no transformation without the expansion of rights for all people.»

He recalled that ISSSTE was the first institution in Mexico to provide social security to same-sex couples, whether in marriage, cohabitation or free union. Currently, they enjoy the same benefits and rights, such as access to Estancias para el Bienestar y Desarrollo Infantil (EBDI), medical care and widow’s pension.

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