
San Miguel de Allende municipal government honors legacy of Son Ignacio Allende y Unzaga / @GobMunicipalSMA >>>

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- 213 years after his execution, the Municipal Government honored the life and legacy of Don Ignacio Allende y Unzaga.

Following the line established by Municipal President Mauricio Trejo to promote the pride of being San Miguel, a passionate civic act was held to honor the memory of the «Favorite Son of San Miguel» on the anniversary of his death.

From the Civic Plaza, a Commemorative Civic Act and Honor Guard was held next to the monument to the «First Soldier of the Homeland», who was the true initiator and promoter of the Insurgent Movement, in the fight for the Independence of Mexico. This civic and cultural event was led on behalf of the municipal president, the treasurer Raul Vallejo, accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel Adalberto Urbina, commander of the 5th Armored Reconnaissance Regiment, members of the City Council and educational institutions.

As master of ceremonies, the Director of Culture and Traditions, Acacio Martinez, highlighted the honesty of Don Ignacio Allende and pointed out that every time the history of Mexico is rewritten, it will be necessary to remember and praise the also called «eponymous hero» of this city, who really gave his life for the freedom of the Mexicans: «What is the use of dying, when you have everything and you are in the middle of your life? To achieve freedom, to achieve the independence of this nation that today we call: Mexico, to never again be governed by a foreign and despot king, so that all of us who were born after his death, will be owners and sovereigns of our land, owners of our cradle and our homeland. So that we will never again be slaves of anyone and be able to study, work and own what we have achieved with our efforts. We must know, make known and shout that Generalissimo Don Ignacio Allende, born in this town, is the true initiator and promoter of the struggle for our Independence. Long live Allende, long live Mexico.

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