viernes, julio 5, 2024
Breaking News

La Lesbiana de México» arrives in Tlalpan with a photographic exhibition in the month of LGBTIQ+ Pride / @TlalpanAl >>>

#Tlalpan, #CDMX.- As part of the LGBTIQ+ Pride Month, Tlalpan opens its doors to Nancy Cardenas, «The Lesbian of Mexico», renowned artist, activist and iconic figure in the struggle for human rights and the visibility of sexual diversity in Mexico, with the exhibition «Viva Nancy».

The Mayor of Tlalpan, Alfa González Magallanes, led the inauguration of the open exhibition, at Casa Frissac, dedicated to honor and promote history, not only that built by great men, but also by great women who, like Nancy, left a solid legacy for the visibility of social movements and struggles.

During the inaugural tour, the exhibition presents the personal photographic archive of the pioneer of the LGBTIQ+ movement in the CDMX; the 17 works that make up the exhibition, which will be available to the public free of charge from July 20 until August 4.

«Nancy Cardenas’ work as a broadcaster, director and artist, as well as her contributions as a social activist, are proof that art and culture are capable of transcending borders and cementing the ground for a life where respect and freedom are for everyone,» commented Alfa Gonzalez.

Ana Salinas, deputy director of the Historical Services area of the National Institute of Historical Studies of the Mexican Revolution (INEHRM), emphasized that Nancy Cárdenas was a pioneer in accepting her sexuality as it is, and her legacy includes important contributions to feminism in Mexican politics and culture.

For her part, Lilia Cárdenas, Nancy’s niece and president of Casa Coahuila, emphasized that, thanks to the works and legacy of Nancy, founder of the gay rights and liberation front, it was possible to normalize the community and promote sexual diversity in the city.

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