viernes, julio 5, 2024
Outstanding Governor

Jalisco, leader in exports as a non-border state; accumulates $6,781.4 billion dollars in the first quarter of the year / @GobiernoJalisco >>>

#EstadoDeJalisco.- The Secretariat of Economic Development (SEDECO) of the State Government has implemented a series of strategies to increase the sale of Jalisco products in international markets. Thanks to this, Jalisco is positioned in second place among the non-border states with the highest number of shipments abroad.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the figure reported for exports in the first quarter of the year is 6,781.4 million dollars (mdd), which represents an increase of 5% over the same period of 2023 when 6,460.4 mdd were reported.

Roberto Arechederra, Secretary of Economic Development highlighted that Jalisco, without being a border state, is one of the strongest entities in terms of foreign trade and detailed that at a national level, during the first three months of the year exports accumulated $128,575.8 million dollars and Jalisco’s contribution was 5.3% of the total reported in Mexico.

«We are very pleased because this growth shown by our state is part of the effort being made by the private sector and the government to boost the export sector. With initiatives such as the linkage with companies like Mercado Libre, Alibaba and the recently launched Crusade for Exports, we are sure that Jalisco will continue to be a state with a great exporting vocation,» added the head of SEDECO.

The state’s main export subsector was the Manufacture of computer, communication, measuring and other electronic equipment, components and accessories; this sector represents 49.8% of the state’s total exports and also ranks third nationally, only behind Chihuahua and Baja California, having contributed 18.2% of the total international shipments of this subsector.

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