domingo, octubre 13, 2024
Outstanding Governor

Mara Lezama attends the Third Report of the Municipal President, Juanita Alonso Marrufo / @MaraLezama @GobQuintanaRoo >>>

#QuintanaRoo.- The three powers of the state, headed by Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa, attended the Third Government Report of the municipal president of the island of Cozumel, Juanita Alonso Marrufo, which was held at the Convention Center.

With the presence of councilors, guests, and civil society, the Solemn Session was held in which President Juanita Alonso gave an account of the state of the municipal administration, highlighting the support of the federal and state governments for the development and growth of the Island.

“We work in a progressive, honest and efficient government. In Cozumel the humanist government was translated into facts” expressed Juanita Alonso during her report.

Governor Mara Lezama; the President of the Superior Court of Justice, Magistrate Heyden Cebada Rivas; and the representative of the Legislative Branch, Congressman Renan Sanchez Tajonar received the document containing the gloss of the Report.

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