jueves, junio 13, 2024
Health and Safety

IMSS exceeds 2022 target for organ and tissue transplants by 16 percent / @zoerobledo @Tu_IMSS >>>

#IMSS.- Social Security performs 54 percent of all the transplants performed in the country and consolidates its position as the health institution with the highest productivity: Dr. Pedro Paz Solís.

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) surpassed by 16 percent the 2022 goal for organ and tissue transplants by performing 2,849 transplants and achieving 1,136 donations, of which 197 were multi-organ donations, as of December 18.

The regulatory coordinator of Organ, Tissue and Cell Donation and Transplantation of the IMSS, Dr. Pedro Paz Solís, pointed out that at the beginning of the year the goal of performing 2,448 transplants was set, which was surpassed with the implementation of the Plan for the Recovery of Services deferred by COVID-19 and effective actions in terms of donation and transplants.

He detailed that of the 2,849 total transplants, 1,284 were kidney, 1,103 cornea, 365 bone marrow (hematopoietic progenitor cells), 71 liver and 26 heart transplants.

He emphasized that with the Institutional Donation and Transplant Program, the Social Security consolidates its position as the institution with the highest productivity at national level, performing 54 percent of the total transplants in Mexico in both public and private institutions.

Dr. Paz Solís indicated that at national level, the National Transplant Center’s (CENATRA) list of people waiting for an organ or tissue is 20,228, of which 15,17 thousand are Social Security beneficiaries.

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