domingo, mayo 5, 2024
Economy and Tourism

México receives request for initiation of Consultations from Canada

#SecretaríaDeEconomía.- The Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Economy, has received a request from the Government of Canada to initiate consultations with respect to the Electricity Industry Act, pursuant to Article 31.2 (Scope of Application) and Article 31.4 (Consultations) of the Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

The consultations constitute the non-contentious stage of the general dispute settlement mechanism provided for in the T-MEC.

As of this date, both governments have a period of 75 days to resolve the dispute during this stage. In the event that no mutually satisfactory agreement is reached on the correct application and interpretation of these provisions, Canada may request the establishment of a panel to decide on this matter.

The request for consultations submitted by the Canadian government contains certain common elements with the request submitted by the United States, and Mexico will seek to maintain a coordinated process with both trade partners of the T-MEC in order to discuss the scope of such requests.


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