domingo, mayo 5, 2024
Economy and Tourism

Authorities from the three levels of government give the national flag for Winter Vacation Operation 2022 in Sonora / @TorrucoTurismo @SECTUR_mx >>>

#SECTUR.- Accompanied by the Secretary of Tourism of the entity, Célida López Cárdenas, and the municipal president of Nogales, Juan Francisco Gim Nogales, among other important federal, state and municipal authorities, the head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) indicated that for the period from December 17, 2022 to January 8, 2023, the total number of domestic tourists is expected to be 17.4 million people.

He indicated that 8.7 million tourists are expected to arrive at hotels, of which 78.5% will be domestic and 21.5% international, representing a recovery of 99.2% with respect to the same period in 2019.

Additionally, 10.5 million domestic tourists are expected to stay in other forms of lodging, such as their own homes or those of family and friends.

Torruco Marqués pointed out that, during this holiday period, it is estimated that 2.9 million domestic tourists will travel by air, or 17%, while 14.5 million will travel by land, or 83%. Of the latter, 7.6 million tourists will travel by car and 6.9 million by bus.

In turn, 20.9 million hikers are expected to travel around the country, totaling 38.3 million domestic visitors, including tourists and hikers, said the Secretary.

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