domingo, mayo 5, 2024

Staff of DIF Celaya, in Guanajuato, is trained to respond to emergencies by Civil Protection / @jmendozamarquez @municipiocelaya >>>

#Celaya, #Gto.- Personnel from the Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia de Celaya, received theoretical and practical training from the Civil Protection area. The purpose of this training is to establish points of action in case of possible disasters, as well as to carry out drills inside the buildings of this agency.

Israel Gutiérrez, from the area of training and diffusion of PC, informed that this is done in order to deliver and integrate the tools for immediate action before the emergency bodies arrive.

«Today we are working with DIF personnel so that they begin to integrate their internal brigades, they are the personnel in charge that in case of an emergency they are the first actors to put into practice their knowledge and also take into consideration the resources they have to deal with an emergency».

He said which are the basic resources to attend to emergencies: «Those resources are to carry out their evacuation procedures, to concentrate people in their meeting points, that in case there is a fire outbreak they can use their fire extinguishers that are distributed within the area, in general they should start working with their emergency plans and how they are going to direct the personnel».

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