lunes, mayo 6, 2024

Sterilization of dogs and cats begins in Tecámac, Edoméx / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- In order to have a canine and feline birth control, Tecámac is carrying out a free pet sterilization program.

All to prevent the uncontrolled increase of stray dogs and cats, which can lead to a public health problem, because as mammals they transmit diseases and in the case of dogs their feces (on average 300 grams) and urine (half a liter) contaminate the environment.

For this reason, the Government of Tecámac sterilizes pets for free, and urges the population to bring their pets, since this practice can prevent the sacrifice and abandonment of dogs and cats and that they grow uncontrolled.

So far this month, the Control and Welfare Unit has carried out four days of operations in different areas of the municipality, in which it has had good acceptance; in the remainder of April there will be four more.

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