viernes, mayo 3, 2024
Breaking News

Fire Department and Paramedics of Atizapán alert to attend emergencies 365 days a year / @Pedro_RVillegas @GobAtizapan >>>

#Atizapán, #Edoméx.- Firefighters and paramedics responded to a report of a collision of a compact vehicle with a fixed object, in the curved area of the Jimenez Cantu road near the Madin Dam.

Around 9:00 a.m. on Monday, firefighters and paramedics also responded to a report of an automobile accident. Upon arrival at the scene, a 19 year old male was found with minor contusions that did not endanger his integrity, firefighters performed the maneuvers to prevent fluids from the car.

Drive with caution.
Respect speed limits.
Always wear your seat belt and if you drive a motorcycle, wear a helmet.
Emergency hotlines are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

5536221004 y 5536221005

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