viernes, mayo 3, 2024
Breaking News

Vital to generate a culture of sports among the children of Atizapán: Mayor Pedro Rodríguez / @Pedro_RVillegas @GobAtizapan >>>

#Atizapán, #Edoméx.- The Government of Atizapán de Zaragoza, through the Youth Department, carried out the Juventino’s Camp summer course, which was held at the México Nuevo Sports Center and brought together, over two weeks, 120 girls and boys between 5 and 15 years of age.

The Municipal President, Pedro Rodríguez Villegas, came to this place to close the sports activities, workshops and outdoor activities that were implemented in order to cultivate the culture of sports, teamwork and coexistence of children.

Accompanied by the Director of Youth, Brenda Martínez Bautista, the Mayor told the mothers and fathers that with this activity they also want to show the youngest members of the household that by playing sports they can have fun and generate a habit that will last them for life.

«In these spaces where children and young people sometimes do not have more activity, especially the youngsters, we want them to have a place for recreation and start to generate with all of them a very important factor which is the culture of sports,» said Rodriguez Villegas.

He added that one of the ways to combat obesity is precisely by encouraging physical activity and various occupations from an early age, to build habits that will reinforce positive values such as discipline, teamwork and respect for others.

For his part, young José María Pedraza García thanked President Pedro Rodríguez and the Youth Director for «making this experience possible, which has allowed us to grow, learn and have fun in a unique way,» he said.

Similarly, Gabriela Vázquez, a neighbor of the La Higuera neighborhood, pointed out that «these activities are very cool, it is very admirable to have the children doing physical activities and not having them at home watching television or with their cell phones, they know that they have to live with other people and not be like in the pandemic,» she added.

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