viernes, mayo 3, 2024
Breaking News

In the Edoméx, school packages are delivered in support of the economy of families in Atizapán / @Pedro_RVillegas @GobAtizapan >>>

#Atizapán, #Edoméx.- The Municipal President of Atizapán de Zaragoza, Pedro Rodríguez Villegas, delivered just over 1,500 packages of school supplies in the Ampliación Zapata neighborhood in order to support the family economy and promote the studies of primary and secondary school children.

In an event organized by the Municipal Social Development Department, a long line of mothers and fathers surrounded the vicinity of the well-known Yellow Market; the Belisario Dominguez street that leads to this commercial center was filled with the enthusiasm of the children from the surrounding areas, where they all entered a space with a large tarp.

Upon the Mayor’s arrival, the cheers, greetings and shouts of Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, were not long in coming, to which he responded with gestures of gratitude. At this moment, he told the families present that the Administration he heads is a Government close to the citizens, not a showcase Government, and that one of its objectives is to be on the side of the people.

«This is a government that is working for and with you. This delivery of notebooks and school supplies is so that you can take advantage of it with your families and we will do more actions like this in the rest of the year and next year to support you all,» said Rodriguez Villegas.

He also reminded them that the registration of Municipal Scholarships has already begun and asked them to register in the application Atizapán te Escucha, to learn about all the actions of the Municipal Government in support of the population.

«It is important that they register in the Atizapán te Escucha application to be able to participate. We do it this way so that a computer makes the selection and those who are drawn by lot, are the ones who receive their scholarship to make a more transparent process,» he stressed.

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