lunes, mayo 13, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste’s digital transformation innovates and optimizes access to medical care on a large scale / @drpedrozenteno @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- During the conference on the digital transformation of the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste), at the First Congress «Free software, collaboration and ideas in freedom» organized by Pemex, the Institute’s Deputy Director of Information Technology (IT), Alejandra Fernández Vélez, explained the components of the strategy and its benefits in the optimization and large-scale improvement of the care provided to beneficiaries in the country’s medical units.

She emphasized that «this is the most important technological project created by the institution’s healthcare talent, whose impact takes advantage of the use of IT and achieves greater interoperability between key institutional systems, representing a further step in the Institute’s silent revolution, led by the Director General of the organization, Pedro Zenteno Santaella».

Before technology experts from the federal government and academia, gathered in the «21 de Marzo» auditorium at Pemex, Alejandra Fernández Vélez pointed out that the sectoral digital platform Ambiente para la Administración y Mejora de Atención en Salud (Aamates) plays a fundamental role by integrating with essential databases and components of the digital strategy, such as validity of rights, scheduling of appointments through Asissste, generation and control of electronic prescriptions.

He added that the Digital Patient Reference and Counter-reference System (Sireco), for medical studies in specialty services, automated issuance of medical licenses and the drug supply chain, has increased the availability of drugs from 87 to 95 percent, as reported by the director general of Issste.

He said that one of the challenges and areas of opportunity faced by the institution was the lack of homologation in medical care throughout the country. «With the implementation of Aamates, the integration of information systems facilitates this, coordinated between the different levels and areas of the health system.

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