sábado, mayo 4, 2024
Economy and Tourism

Buenrostro emphasizes stability and fair and equitable economic development during appearance before the Chamber of Deputies / @SE_mx >>>

#SE.- Appearing before the United Commissions of Economy, Commerce and Competitiveness and Social Economy and Promotion of Cooperativism of the Chamber of Deputies on the occasion of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Fifth Government Report, the Secretary of Economy, Raquel Buenrostro Sánchez, highlighted that this administration has been characterized by economic stability and a fairer and more equitable economic development, which are reflected in the results in economic matters.

The Minister of Economy highlighted that Mexico rose to number 14 of the 20 largest economies in the world and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 3.6 during the first half of the year, a figure above that of the United States, which is at 2%.

He also highlighted that inflation stood at 4.45%, which places Mexico below countries such as Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom; in addition, the peso continues to be stable as it is the currency that has appreciated the most against the dollar; Foreign Direct Investment in the first semester reached 29 billion dollars, which represents 41% more than last year; and he indicated that public announcements of investments for 110 billion dollars have been made.

Buenrostro assured that businessmen’s confidence has improved a lot, the unemployment rate is 2.7 in the first semester -below that of the United States and Canada-, and the number of formal jobs is the highest in Mexico’s history.

The Secretary added that there are more than 22 million workers reported to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), as formal jobs grew to 1,917 million in this administration alone, as a result of the elimination of outsourcing and labor reforms.

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